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Completion of the Our future is in our hands – she can project’s training workshops to train 1280 Women

Our future is in our hands – she can project in cooperation with the Small Projects Development Association (SPDA) and Sawiris foundation

Our future is in our hands – She can project is a project implemented by Qodra in cooperation with the Small Projects Development Association (SPDA) and funded by Sawiris foundation for social Development where Qodra trained 1280 female heads of households between 21 and 45 hours old and who have a project or a project idea.
The project consisted of two programs: 
  1. An administrative and financial training program (for 1020 women) on: feasibility studies, project management, marketing, financial inclusion 
  2. A vocational training program (for 260 women) on 5 vocations: manufacturing dairy products, hairdressing and cosmetics, knitting, soap and detergent manufacturing, leather products manufacturing.